Thursday, 23 July 2009

The things that warm your heart!

For those of you who follow this blog, you'll know that this blog is designed to be a database of inspiration. I update this blog and BOMBARD you with the lastest gadgets and grpahics and fashion and news and art and animation ETC..ETC!!! is another angle to the distant and inspiration-seeking mind of Jezta!

I love my family to bits, especially my mum and my sister (my two best mates), and maybe I'll do a blog post about them someday but this post is about people in you're world who are not blood related. This blog post is about two people in my world especially!

Janey and Gracey

(Janelene and Grace)

I met these two amazing stunners last year and haven't seen them since (lol) but we still keep in contact all the time. They live far away from me but for a pair of hotties who I haven't seen in 11 months, who live so far a away from me (still in the UK though), they couldn't be any closer to my heart.
I ACTUALLY love these two girls to bits...I mean, whatever hurts them hurts me; when they smile, I smile; when they cry, I cry; when they laugh, I laugh. Thinking about them warms my heart more than anything else I've posted on this blog! They are so precious to me it's untrue!

If it's one thing no one can take away from you, and if it's one thing that is has a precious sentimental value in's love!
Two things we all search for in life is to love someone but more than anything it's to be loved.
I guess I'm getting all hippie on you and saying seek the love basically.

If it's one thing I encourage in life, it's to get people in your world who you absolutely love to death to the extent that you don't care if the feeling isn't mutual (family is not included...this could be a wife/husband too).
This is so relevant to my blog because these two girls are my inspiration, and anything that inspires me, goes on here!


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