Even if it's just the night sky, to a minor degree my mind gets lost in the stars and the giant moon, especially if it's a full moon(that picture did this concept no justice but it's the best I could find).

Wikipedia -
sometimes called the northern and southern (pola)
lights or aurorae (singular: aurora),
are natural light displays in the sky,
usually observed at night, particularly
in the polar regions."
Keep word there being "at night".
"Aurorae are produced by the collision of
charged particles from Earth's magnetosphere,
mostly electrons but also protons and heavier particles,
with atoms and molecules of Earth's upper atmosphere
(at altitudes above 80 km (50 miles))."
(continue reading here)
What is it about the Aurora that creates a sensation inside me?
The flourescent greens, and red stripes slowly walsing in the night sky, with a deep purply-blue backdrop scattered with pinpricks of light.
I am yet to witness the Northern Lights with my own eyes but nevertheless, I love Aurorae.
(To find out the purpose behind this blog post, Click here)
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