Tuesday 1 December 2009

Flexio solar-powered FM radio

I don't really know many people who listen to radio anymore. If they do, it's either on their laptop, on the internet, or in their car because they don't have an ipod connection or their CD player is broken. Even CD is a dieing medium. However, Flexio are being a little bit optimistic with this solar-powered FM radio. Here's a lil bit of copy and paste action just so you I don't get it wrong:

"Industrial designers
Wu Kun-chia, Wang Shih-ju, Chen Ming-daw and Liou Chang-ho
have designed the Flexio – a solar-powered portable radio,
which is printable and inexpensive.
The paper-packaged radio with a flexible speaker,
is designed to remain fixed on a single channel,
which means you get country and city specific radios in the box.
The device includes a flexible solar cell
to charge the device with renewable energy."

I think their aims are to popularise the radio once again...hmmm...I'm a little bit pessimistic with this one, but the idea is pretty genius. A slimline PAPER radio...a little bit genius.

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