You know me, I don't care about release dates. Not on the blog anyway.
Let's face it, apple set the bar with the iphone when it comes to touch-screen phones. It brings out the critic in you when people release a new touch-screen phone, you can't help but compare them to the iphone. Ever found your self saying "yep, they copied that feature from the iphone, and that one too...this is a blatant rip-off of the iphone".
To come to think of it, our statement are pretty ignorant. I mean, when people started releasing camera phones, did any body say or think "this is a blatant rip-off of the Sharp J-SH04"? I didn't think so.
People can be so critical (myself included). I found that critique-like attitude emerging in me as I watched this trailer.
Its an LG touch phone it just wont work in comparison...