Friday, 31 July 2009

A cute lil website from

New Chocolate phone: LG-BL40

You know me, I don't care about release dates. Not on the blog anyway.

Let's face it, apple set the bar with the iphone when it comes to touch-screen phones. It brings out the critic in you when people release a new touch-screen phone, you can't help but compare them to the iphone. Ever found your self saying "yep, they copied that feature from the iphone, and that one too...this is a blatant rip-off of the iphone".
To come to think of it, our statement are pretty ignorant. I mean, when people started releasing camera phones, did any body say or think "this is a blatant rip-off of the Sharp J-SH04"? I didn't think so.
People can be so critical (myself included). I found that critique-like attitude emerging in me as I watched this trailer.

Thursday, 30 July 2009

Where You Are (Instrumental by ME)

I heard 50cent's version of the Michael Jackson song "where you are" and heard his lyrics and was appalled. He was talking about shooting and killing people, yano...same old same old. I thought he completely spoiled the track, so I decided to do my own version, and this is the instrumental.

Blue Beer

I know there is a brand of beer called "Blue Beer" but Japan has gone to the next step of actually creating it. They say it's made from melted icebergs that float onto Hokkaido beaches from the chilly Sea of Okhotsk. Pretty interesting aye.

Cadburys Ad: You're Right

This made me chuckle a bit. I love the male stereo type. I know for a fact that I'm never gonna be like this though. Never have never will.
(open in full screen because of the subtitles)

Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Fabolous - Everything, Everyday, Everywhere ft Keri Hilson

Even Ryan Leslie doesn't really get credit for being on the track, I'm guessing he produced it seen as though his vocals do come into it and he is in the video. I heard this song a while a ago and I love it. It's good to hear something fresh from Fabo (Fabolous).
The thing I love his how Fabolous maintains his distinct swagger over a beat I would never have expected him to be on. But, it's a new dawn and a new day so anything could happen. I love the merge of all the artists inputting their own unique flair into the song!
I heard this a while ago, here's the vid.

Shell House in Japan by ARTechnic

Another cesspool of inspiration where creative juices ooze out of fine cracks in the archeticure, the atmosphere with a haze of "Je ne sais quoi" (lol).
It's one thing that this house has an amazing architectural display, but positioned in the heart of my favourite country in the world (Japan for those who don't know), what more could I ask from ARTechnic.

Palabritas Beach House by Jose Orrego

THIS is the kinda house I wanna live in. I love how it's not restricted to "brick and mortar". The contemporary design is actually designed to remind of 60's Brazilian architecture.
Despite the intricate details, I am in awe of it "comlplex simplicity". With it curved constructions and frame, yet minimal use of colours, this house is a cesspool of inspiration.

Monday, 27 July 2009

Sunday, 26 July 2009

Bridging the Gap

I did this video with a friend called Tom(the main character in the video) plus the aid of some legendary chums who starred in it, as a project which also became a part of his presentational assignment (on the academy).
It's aim is to provoke thoughts and encourage views to get their own positive message from it.
(It's also supposed to be in widescreen and HD but for some reason, vimeo didn't upload it to be HD or widescreen...maybe I can fix that at a later date...nevertheless...enjoy!)

Saturday, 25 July 2009

Annie Leibovitz: Alice in Wonderland

I'm so hyped for the Alice in Wonderland movie. That's the problem with being on top of the goss' and what not...the anticipation!!!
As you may well know (you should know by now), I'm quite the fashion photography fanatic, so I'm sure you know how I felt when I saw the I stumbled upon Annie Leibovitz's pictures of fashion figures posing aside their rendition of the dress from the fairytale Alice in Wonderland.
I love the way they have turned the innocent fictional character into somewhat a fashion icon.
Can you recognize the designers and their work?

Two of my favourite movie scenes EVER!

Humour and movies are so inspiring. I mean, think about it; when you wanna get in a good mood, you throw on a comedy right? Well I know I do.
This is one of my favourite comedies in the world. The whole trilogy is epic....
I hope these put you in a good mood

My latest photography

Check out my latest photo's that I took at a friend's wedding

NICK DEMOURA AND IAN EASTWOOD: Dancing to Basement Part by the Cool Kids

It's amazing how much dance has evolved but who would have thought dance would have looked like this?
I've seen people do this technique before but I've never seen people do it this well....
I encourage you to check out these people, they're flippin awesome!

Friday, 24 July 2009

Oh, Hello: Winter 2009 Showreel

This is one of the most amazing showreels I've ever seen. Another thing I love about it is the music. The music goes so well with the showreel..amazing animation...makes you want to see more right?
I would love to post all their videos on here but I don't have time so at your own leisure, have a browse of their website:

Click here to open a window and play video

Jay-Z - Run this Town ft Rihanna and Kanye West

I'm sorry Jay-Z but you're going to have to do better than to keep your revered and arrogant status as "the God of hip hop" (correct me if I'm wrong).
I'm sure I'm not alone when I say that Jigga's verse's on this track seems a little same old same old, and a little tired might I add (as in...there's no hype or energy to them).
This is supposedly a single from his overdue album The Blueprint 3. If this is the standard then it seems to me, like this album has been over hyped.

Download here

Thursday, 23 July 2009

VW Channel 4 idents

These are so simple yet so entertaining, and they get the point across.
In order of my least favourite at the top and my most favourite at the bottom.


Leave a comment and let us know what you think of the new look

The FA: Whatever Your Level

I thought this was pretty hilarious. I quite like these video where it looks like it you actually in the video and you're living out the video like some kind of simulation. The first time I saw this (that I can remember) was the Kanye West "All Falls Down" video....anyway....check this out...


Click here for my original post.

The things that warm your heart!

For those of you who follow this blog, you'll know that this blog is designed to be a database of inspiration. I update this blog and BOMBARD you with the lastest gadgets and grpahics and fashion and news and art and animation ETC..ETC!!! is another angle to the distant and inspiration-seeking mind of Jezta!

I love my family to bits, especially my mum and my sister (my two best mates), and maybe I'll do a blog post about them someday but this post is about people in you're world who are not blood related. This blog post is about two people in my world especially!

Janey and Gracey

(Janelene and Grace)

I met these two amazing stunners last year and haven't seen them since (lol) but we still keep in contact all the time. They live far away from me but for a pair of hotties who I haven't seen in 11 months, who live so far a away from me (still in the UK though), they couldn't be any closer to my heart.
I ACTUALLY love these two girls to bits...I mean, whatever hurts them hurts me; when they smile, I smile; when they cry, I cry; when they laugh, I laugh. Thinking about them warms my heart more than anything else I've posted on this blog! They are so precious to me it's untrue!

If it's one thing no one can take away from you, and if it's one thing that is has a precious sentimental value in's love!
Two things we all search for in life is to love someone but more than anything it's to be loved.
I guess I'm getting all hippie on you and saying seek the love basically.

If it's one thing I encourage in life, it's to get people in your world who you absolutely love to death to the extent that you don't care if the feeling isn't mutual (family is not included...this could be a wife/husband too).
This is so relevant to my blog because these two girls are my inspiration, and anything that inspires me, goes on here!


Animation by Eric Epstein

This is actually AMAZIN!!! I SOOOOOO wish this was real. I love it when creative skillful people bring imagination to life!
Words can't express how amazin' I think this is!

Born To Skate

Born to Skate is a Skateboard Roadmovie with Chris Heck and Sebastian Linda, they travel the world trying to find skateboarding’s essence again.

The whole project came into existence because art director and filmmaker Sebastian Linda from Fluchtpunkt Videproduction was bored of all the same looking skateboard movies, he wanted to create something new, never seen before and outstanding. The trailer already shows that Sebastian Linda has developed his own style as well as that the movie not only will cover the subject of skateboarding but the backgrounds and the life in it’s true sense. The German audience even might be surprised to see the entire movie next Spring in cinemas across the country. We’ll keep you updated with further going info on release dates."

Well this kinda took the words right out of my mouth. This really doesn't look like your average skateboard film/short film. I mean for one, it's in German! Also, the soundtrack doesn't appear to be New York hip-hop..AND, I didn't see a single fish-eye lens being used. This could well be one of the most popular skate movies ever!

Alice in Wonderland: Trailer

Apparently this is a leak. Nevertheless...I'm blogging it.

OMD! Anyone remember the Cartoon? Even that was amazing! This look Epic! Especially the part where the cat comes onto the screen.
I think I may have to watch the cartoon original before I watch this...yano...refresh the plot in my head and everything. I love them old classic disney movies that I grew up on.
This movie is right up there with Batman: Dark Knight and Twilight!
It's got that classic Tim Burton stamp on it...
Tim Burton you LEGEND!!!

(cropping this down has cut of the sides. It doesn't cut off a lot but to see the full thing, watch it in wide screen)

Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Derek Royer Business Card

This is so unique! The only thing about these is that you can't really buy anything to keep them in like most business cards. Storing them would be a pain and I can see them easily getting lost.
Still, I love the idea...very unique!

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Nike WOMENS Vandal Hi Fleece

My friend posted these amazing pair on her blog a while back. But when I think about it, I really want a pair so I thought I'd blog them too!
The thing is though...they're women's so I know they won't do them in my size :(

This kid is one of the SICKEST singers I've EVER heard.
It's mad that he was on BGT and next thing you know, he's singing at MICHAEL JACKSON'S MEMORIAL!!!!

Shocker Hopper by Team Tentakulus

This motorcycle inspired bike is a perfect lil number for the summer. Even the matted dark army green paint job is a finished touch to its design.
Personally...I think it's a BMX for those who like BMX-ing to watch, and would just rather chill and look cool on a bike...yano...people like me :)