So yeh...Alexander McQueen...what a LEDGE (derrived from the word Leg as in the shortened version of Legend). A fashion designer born in East London. 'k, let's skip the bio. I remember reading about him, and how he'd made a jacket for Prince Charles. Now, I'm not a fan of the royal family, and it appears that Alexander isn't neither. He apparently sewed "I am a c**t" into the lining. I don't condone swearing but what a ledge!!! It takes guts to do something like that. I think that his work is pretty "daring". Take his suits for instance.
I love his suits. Ya see, the thing about suit trousers is that the hem of the leg is supposed to sit on the hem of your shoes, but Alex boldly rises the hem giving them a half-mast look. Suits are not something I'd usually wear, nor would I usually wear half-mast trousers, but I would be pretty zealous to wear a McQueen suit.
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