This is another inspirational video for my song. Let's face it, I have no excuse now if I don't get this song finished.
This video is a time-lapse filming of my favourite city in the world (despite that fact I've never been). Video's like this just make me want to go.
There isn't much for my to say about this video. I appreciate the amazing camera angle and the saturated colours.
Thank you to Samuel Cockedey for filming and editing this!
(Check out
Phase #3 of the light series: Still Run, or Phase #2 which is the
Shinjuku, Tokyo post. Plus Phase #1: "Natural Light"from this series.
To find out the purpose behind this blog post, Click here)
Friday, 22 May 2009
Smarter Cars
I KID YOU NOT....I used to have dreams about these kinda cars. They used to do these for kids init but I am soooo glad they've made them adult size. I remember seeing them do something similar to these, with a Ferrari f430 f1 (I think)....Shhhweeeettt!!!!...But these...are AMAZING!!!!

Thursday, 21 May 2009
Anti-Smoking Campaign ads
I hate smoking, for many reasons. My favourite reason being, it's stupid.
So when I saw these campaign ads, I related to them emotionally. The feeling's that these images portray are the same feelings I've internally expressed for YEARS. I love the slogans on them: "Kill a cigerette and save a life. Yours".

(I don't know who create this campaign though)
So when I saw these campaign ads, I related to them emotionally. The feeling's that these images portray are the same feelings I've internally expressed for YEARS. I love the slogans on them: "Kill a cigerette and save a life. Yours".
(I don't know who create this campaign though)
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Africa's First Skate Park
This is best thing I've heard about Uganda. Situated in the Republic of Uganda, Kitintale Skate is the first hand-made skate-park of Africa...or so I'm told.
I think this is one of the most awesome thing's I've heard since I found out there was a black president (I joke). It's not the most sturdiest of skate park (you can see it a bit crumbled in one corner on one of the piks).
The photo's were taken by Yann Gross. I went on his website which said that the park was made by local youngsters.

Already they've got a lil crew or so it appears

I think this is one of the most awesome thing's I've heard since I found out there was a black president (I joke). It's not the most sturdiest of skate park (you can see it a bit crumbled in one corner on one of the piks).
The photo's were taken by Yann Gross. I went on his website which said that the park was made by local youngsters.
Already they've got a lil crew or so it appears
Taga Trike
This HAS to be THEE best pram ever (I'm from Yorkshire, England and we say pray. Some people say stroller or buggie...same thing).
Imagine what it would have been like if your mam had one of these when you was a toddler. This looks so fun! It beats them hard plastic seats that they used to have on the back of bikes where the baby would just get to see the rider's bum bobbing up and down.
It folds from a pram into a trike and vice-versa. Well Done Tage!
(Click here for the video)
Monday, 18 May 2009
Phase #3 of the light series: Still Run
It reminds of the concept I have for the song, and the imagery (in my head) that INSPIRES me to write it. Although not completely like what is in my head, it's the next best thing. The first minute and forty seconds are pretty spot on but then it digresses and I switch it off then.
I'm glad I found this, I'm gonna watch it to help me write until I find a better video.
(Check out the:
Shinjuku, Tokyo post
and/or the Natural Light post from this series.
To find out the purpose behind this blog post, Click here)
I've seen editing like this before many of times. I've seen editing better than this actually. The thing that sets this picture out is the photograph of the girl. It just looks like a random girl that was walking down the street.
Sometimes you see people on facebook and myspace who take pictures of themselves, and add the worst editing ever. They either just de-saturate it or add some pointless soppy text about "Love" (what the heck do 14-16 year olds know about love anyway?!), or whatever. This picture inspires me to photo edit and manipulate your average facebook picture, rather than posing for them. Try it for yourself!
Saturday, 16 May 2009
Thursday, 14 May 2009
(I'm sure this title will attract the wrong people rather than the right. Hopefully I will get insightful readers)
You can't escape wanna see a pair of boobs without getting slapped in the face? All you need is a computer!!! You wanna see two people having hardcore sexual pleasures???? All you need is a computer!!!!!
I by no means browse pornographic websites in order to seek inspiration for myself and for my blogs, and still I can't ESCAPE SEX!!!!!
Erotic photography that borderlines glamour and porn which people try to disguise as fashion photography or whatever. I've seen some of the cleverest photography and image manipulation that is spoiled by exposed aroused nipples or the "pubic region". I'm aware that there are females who either find pleasure in modelling in such shots or it just doesn't bother them (which I personally think is the result of manic ignorance). But photographers and website administrators are getting away with exploiting the beauty of the female anatomy which I think is wrong. The media devalues humans, and devalues sex, and devalues love, and we are all subject to it. People fall into the lustful traps placed by the media, and now we can't escape it in our socialising.
We live in a global and electronic age where a female basic handbag essencial is 5.0 megapixel camera (3.2 at the least) or a digital camera. And now when browsing facebook you're exposed to your female friend's cleavage, naked breast, or a picture of them wearing "bedroom attire" (if it's not your friend, it's your friend's little sister or even worse, your friend's MUM!). I think that there are the beginning stepping stones towards pornography (the hardcore type).
I hate to be all formal and statistical (if that's a word) but....statistics show that there are 4.2 MILLION porn websites (260 new porn sites go online daily), 420 million porn webpages and 42.7% of internet users view porn. A sickening statistic showed me that there are 116,000 daily child porn request and 100,000 websites overing illegal child porn (I don't understand why they put illegal in there, does that mean there are legal?). Also 89% of porn is created in the U.S.
Okay...enough of the stats. Porn -on any level- is so accessible. Surely this is now how sex was intended to develop? Love is being replaced and MISTAKEN for lust. The secular world is blind to the black and white contrast between the two. I could rant go on forever about sex related topics such as rape, masturbation, voyeurism, abortion, Kamasutra etc.
My worry and question is: What will respect for sex look like in 20+ years time?
The intention of this blog post is to provoke your thoughts on the subject.
Sex: Do you respect it, revere it or disregard it?
You can't escape wanna see a pair of boobs without getting slapped in the face? All you need is a computer!!! You wanna see two people having hardcore sexual pleasures???? All you need is a computer!!!!!
I by no means browse pornographic websites in order to seek inspiration for myself and for my blogs, and still I can't ESCAPE SEX!!!!!
Erotic photography that borderlines glamour and porn which people try to disguise as fashion photography or whatever. I've seen some of the cleverest photography and image manipulation that is spoiled by exposed aroused nipples or the "pubic region". I'm aware that there are females who either find pleasure in modelling in such shots or it just doesn't bother them (which I personally think is the result of manic ignorance). But photographers and website administrators are getting away with exploiting the beauty of the female anatomy which I think is wrong. The media devalues humans, and devalues sex, and devalues love, and we are all subject to it. People fall into the lustful traps placed by the media, and now we can't escape it in our socialising.
We live in a global and electronic age where a female basic handbag essencial is 5.0 megapixel camera (3.2 at the least) or a digital camera. And now when browsing facebook you're exposed to your female friend's cleavage, naked breast, or a picture of them wearing "bedroom attire" (if it's not your friend, it's your friend's little sister or even worse, your friend's MUM!). I think that there are the beginning stepping stones towards pornography (the hardcore type).
I hate to be all formal and statistical (if that's a word) but....statistics show that there are 4.2 MILLION porn websites (260 new porn sites go online daily), 420 million porn webpages and 42.7% of internet users view porn. A sickening statistic showed me that there are 116,000 daily child porn request and 100,000 websites overing illegal child porn (I don't understand why they put illegal in there, does that mean there are legal?). Also 89% of porn is created in the U.S.
Okay...enough of the stats. Porn -on any level- is so accessible. Surely this is now how sex was intended to develop? Love is being replaced and MISTAKEN for lust. The secular world is blind to the black and white contrast between the two. I could rant go on forever about sex related topics such as rape, masturbation, voyeurism, abortion, Kamasutra etc.
My worry and question is: What will respect for sex look like in 20+ years time?
The intention of this blog post is to provoke your thoughts on the subject.
Sex: Do you respect it, revere it or disregard it?
Hair Storm by Solve Sundsbo
I saw the picture above, first. The first thing that stood about to me obviously was the luscious, wild and fierce, golden mane. Secondly was the silhouette of her facial features. I couldn't help but appreciate her gorgeous facial features. Her replete plumped pout situated none other than under her button nose sloping at a perfect obtuse angel from her brow, shaded by her tamed golden locks.
Then to my suprise, these photo's were taken by personally respected photographer Solve Sundsbo, whom I've previously blogged about regarding his Gisele Bundchen photo shoot (oh, how this guy feeds my creativity).
I decided to see if there were more pictures of timid females fashioning such brave wild locks.
Here are my favourites!
Cookie Splash
I've always wondered how they've caught such shots. I never had faith in people to bed able to have the perfect timing to capture such a shot yano? I always thought that they would have their camera attatched to some kinda of laser which would be trigger by an object passing it....I dunno.
I'm glad I found this video cos now I just wanna go out and try it (once I get some batteries for my camera. You watch the video and think, "what the heck is this geezer doin'?" Some people have the never to say it out loud too and it can make you feel like a reet plank (there's the yorkshire coming out of me) but look at the results! Beautiful!
Two T'umbs Fresh! (I aint said that in a while)
Monday, 11 May 2009
Phase #2 of the light series: SHINJUKU, TOKYO!!!!!
The next installation of the lights series is Shinjuku!!!
Shinjuku Station south exit - (Hold your mouse down on this image and move around the square the pan around the location. Also if you right-click, you can change the type of view. Stereographic is fairly cool)
This city appeals to me in general, the technology, the culture...etc. I'm being blasé about it because the my main attraction and reason for wanting to go there is the NIGHT LIFE!!!

I think there is a reason for it being called the Night Life, a term the best describes me because - in these surroundings - I come to life at night.
Set aside the fact that Shinjuku is the capital redlight district in Tokyo, the thing that appeals to me is the architecture. The high rise buildings with the luminous advertisement pasted on the side of buildings and cars and everything else with a power supply.
The flourescent neon atmosphere, the bright LED culture, the static night life. I'm like a solar pannel, powered by this artificial light. The colours, the brightness, the electricity, the contrast!!!
The contrast! The contrast! The contrast! The vivid silhouettes that the LED's create along the side of buildings and along the roads and streets. The shadows cast behind us as we stare directly at a strobing billboard. Video banners above shop door. 15ft supspended behind glass windows, 30 stories high....ya get me now???

(Check out the Natural Light post from this series. To find out the purpose behind this blog post, Click here)
Shinjuku Station south exit - (Hold your mouse down on this image and move around the square the pan around the location. Also if you right-click, you can change the type of view. Stereographic is fairly cool)
This city appeals to me in general, the technology, the culture...etc. I'm being blasé about it because the my main attraction and reason for wanting to go there is the NIGHT LIFE!!!
I think there is a reason for it being called the Night Life, a term the best describes me because - in these surroundings - I come to life at night.
Set aside the fact that Shinjuku is the capital redlight district in Tokyo, the thing that appeals to me is the architecture. The high rise buildings with the luminous advertisement pasted on the side of buildings and cars and everything else with a power supply.
The flourescent neon atmosphere, the bright LED culture, the static night life. I'm like a solar pannel, powered by this artificial light. The colours, the brightness, the electricity, the contrast!!!
The contrast! The contrast! The contrast! The vivid silhouettes that the LED's create along the side of buildings and along the roads and streets. The shadows cast behind us as we stare directly at a strobing billboard. Video banners above shop door. 15ft supspended behind glass windows, 30 stories high....ya get me now???
(Check out the Natural Light post from this series. To find out the purpose behind this blog post, Click here)
Destined to succeed, choosing to fail!
I've been thinking about this topic for a while now. It's something we've all witnessed, but I've gone to the next step as to question it.
What am I talking about?'s Xfactor season. It's just started so they're not at boot-camp or the stage show, it's just the auditions. The competition is amazing, such talented people all over the UK, hundreds of xfactor contestants going through, Simon Cowell has done his signature wink everytime a son story goes through.
Then the music changes, the tone of voice of the presenters change (they're using that "laughing on the inside but trying to be serious" type voice). In walks some dolled up girl who thinks she's the next beyonce (who in my opinion is theee best singer). The judges ask her if she thinks she's got the exfactor and she boldly replies "course I 'ave". They ask her what she's gonna sing, and it's always the same songs, "my heart will go on by Celine Dion" or something ballady. Then they begin to sing. They open their mouth and out comes the most horrific rendition of Whitney Houston's "I have nothing". They're conpletley off key, they're more than abundant in passion which is evident in their facial expression, nut the whole audition is an uphill BATTLE to the pinicle note in the song which they never hit (they funny thing is, it's either higher of lower than the note they're supposed to sing).
Their audition is cut short but a cringing panel of judges either sitting in discomfort of laughing their head off. After a bit of rejectful banter the verdict is "singing is definately not your strength". It's evident that there is no possible way that their voice would sell records nation wide.
It's the highlight of Xfactor, it's the reason you watch it every Saturday. But it's so cringy.
Everyone in my house hold laughs their head of till they cry, and so do I but in the back of my mind I ponder. My heart really does go out to them. They actually believe that they're amazing singers.
My first question (which is insignificant to this post) is what process in life have they gone through to believe - in their heart mind you - that they're amazing people. It takes some really cruel people to convince them they can hold a tune.
My second question (which is the significant one) is what is there for them? I mean, if you think about it, our passions and desires have stemmed from seeds sewn into our lives from child hood. Years of naturally watering their desires till they manifest into actions, to be one day told, "you're wasting your time". On Xfactor, before the auditionee (if that's a word) is dragged out by security, they scream "please give me a chance" and the daunting words "I've put my whole life into".
To later find out you've wasted all your time effort and resources on a dead end. Where do you go from there?
Where do you go from there? I believe that everyone is destined for success in some way some how. I believe that no one person on this earth is supposed to fail. I realise that people are born into failure (third world countries and poverty) but I also believe the saying "where there's a will, there's a way". But people, again and again choose to put their energy and all their effort and time and resources in something there is no possible way of them succeeding in, hense the title "choosing to fail".
I know there is no lesson to be learned in this but I thought I would pose this food for thought and get you thinking on it.
What am I talking about?'s Xfactor season. It's just started so they're not at boot-camp or the stage show, it's just the auditions. The competition is amazing, such talented people all over the UK, hundreds of xfactor contestants going through, Simon Cowell has done his signature wink everytime a son story goes through.
Then the music changes, the tone of voice of the presenters change (they're using that "laughing on the inside but trying to be serious" type voice). In walks some dolled up girl who thinks she's the next beyonce (who in my opinion is theee best singer). The judges ask her if she thinks she's got the exfactor and she boldly replies "course I 'ave". They ask her what she's gonna sing, and it's always the same songs, "my heart will go on by Celine Dion" or something ballady. Then they begin to sing. They open their mouth and out comes the most horrific rendition of Whitney Houston's "I have nothing". They're conpletley off key, they're more than abundant in passion which is evident in their facial expression, nut the whole audition is an uphill BATTLE to the pinicle note in the song which they never hit (they funny thing is, it's either higher of lower than the note they're supposed to sing).
Their audition is cut short but a cringing panel of judges either sitting in discomfort of laughing their head off. After a bit of rejectful banter the verdict is "singing is definately not your strength". It's evident that there is no possible way that their voice would sell records nation wide.
It's the highlight of Xfactor, it's the reason you watch it every Saturday. But it's so cringy.
Everyone in my house hold laughs their head of till they cry, and so do I but in the back of my mind I ponder. My heart really does go out to them. They actually believe that they're amazing singers.
My first question (which is insignificant to this post) is what process in life have they gone through to believe - in their heart mind you - that they're amazing people. It takes some really cruel people to convince them they can hold a tune.
My second question (which is the significant one) is what is there for them? I mean, if you think about it, our passions and desires have stemmed from seeds sewn into our lives from child hood. Years of naturally watering their desires till they manifest into actions, to be one day told, "you're wasting your time". On Xfactor, before the auditionee (if that's a word) is dragged out by security, they scream "please give me a chance" and the daunting words "I've put my whole life into".
To later find out you've wasted all your time effort and resources on a dead end. Where do you go from there?
Where do you go from there? I believe that everyone is destined for success in some way some how. I believe that no one person on this earth is supposed to fail. I realise that people are born into failure (third world countries and poverty) but I also believe the saying "where there's a will, there's a way". But people, again and again choose to put their energy and all their effort and time and resources in something there is no possible way of them succeeding in, hense the title "choosing to fail".
I know there is no lesson to be learned in this but I thought I would pose this food for thought and get you thinking on it.
Sunday, 10 May 2009 a nutshell...get paid to blog!!!!.
All the time and effort I put into blogging and facebook and twitter, I thought it was about time I made some profit from searched all over google trying to find websites where I can make a bit of mulah. My friend told me to search "pay per post" so I did (I know what you're thinking "if you're mate told you to jump off a click, would ya"...course not). After a lil bit of the ol' browsing, I came across
Basically, I create a log in account and after verifications and what not, they give me opportunities. An opportunity is the chance to earn cash by posting a specific topic offered to you. You done have to take the opportunity but the opportunities are flexible. You get a basic guideline and they you're allowed to write pretty much whatever you want (as long as if fits in that guidline). I don't think you have to be academic or a Oxford English Literate (I just threw words together there but I think you can get what I'm sayin) or Grammatically correct, otherwise I wunt take up the opportunities.
After you take up the opportunities, following the get PAAAAIIIDDD!!!! Now...the money probably isn't what you're expecting. I was talking to someone about getting paid per post and they were like "cool, so you'll get around £50?"...I was like...I WISH!!! You can set your pay to a minimum amount, I set mine to the default which is $5 (yeh it's in dollars. Get a currency converter and do the math), but it's a start. I'm only a rooky but hopefully this will put a lil bit of DOSH in my pocket init. Ya gots to start somewhere! read about Advertising on blog? and why, Click here.
I just thought I'd share a lil insight that I discovered...passing on the blessing!
For more information about Blog advertising visit, or click here to read "Blog advertising is one of the best ways to make money"
All the time and effort I put into blogging and facebook and twitter, I thought it was about time I made some profit from searched all over google trying to find websites where I can make a bit of mulah. My friend told me to search "pay per post" so I did (I know what you're thinking "if you're mate told you to jump off a click, would ya"...course not). After a lil bit of the ol' browsing, I came across
Basically, I create a log in account and after verifications and what not, they give me opportunities. An opportunity is the chance to earn cash by posting a specific topic offered to you. You done have to take the opportunity but the opportunities are flexible. You get a basic guideline and they you're allowed to write pretty much whatever you want (as long as if fits in that guidline). I don't think you have to be academic or a Oxford English Literate (I just threw words together there but I think you can get what I'm sayin) or Grammatically correct, otherwise I wunt take up the opportunities.
After you take up the opportunities, following the get PAAAAIIIDDD!!!! Now...the money probably isn't what you're expecting. I was talking to someone about getting paid per post and they were like "cool, so you'll get around £50?"...I was like...I WISH!!! You can set your pay to a minimum amount, I set mine to the default which is $5 (yeh it's in dollars. Get a currency converter and do the math), but it's a start. I'm only a rooky but hopefully this will put a lil bit of DOSH in my pocket init. Ya gots to start somewhere! read about Advertising on blog? and why, Click here.
I just thought I'd share a lil insight that I discovered...passing on the blessing!
For more information about Blog advertising visit, or click here to read "Blog advertising is one of the best ways to make money"
Saturday, 9 May 2009
Swing Lamp
Such a simple and innovative design (this invention I know is available for purchase). I would love this.
I can picture it now. I've just come back from a meal or perhaps the cinema with the girlfriend/wife. Before we go to bed or before I take her home, we go for a swing under the moon and stars, on the swing on the oak tree at the bottom of the garden. I'm stood behind her holding her around her waist, the breeze blowing the fragrence of her hair into my nostrils aswell as the scent of her perfume. I lean round her and start passionately ki-....I'll digress, but you get the picture....
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