Wednesday, 8 April 2009


If I was to define reflect in my own words, plain and simply it would be "self review". All through life we review (consciously and subliminaly) other people and their work or life.
It's good to reflect on ourselves. Refecting is to use the present to analyse the past in order to determin our future. It's funny cos I'm actually in the bath as I write this, Rev Run (Runs house) style.
Taking a personal approach I still hope you can gain something from this.
Me personally, I find that life is all about taking things to the next level. Like a console game, some levels are longer than others. People think that starting again is going back to square one, back to level one but I think Thats impossible because life is a constant process of going forward. As I reflect on my life in order to go to the next level, I try to find words in order to get there, words that kinda sum up the process. Those words are "motivation" "organisation" and "inspiration", and a part of me feels like inspiration is going to be there for a while, perhaps for every level.

Isn't it funny how we never associate this word with fun, or pleasure, or chillax. It's always tied with work, or graft, or job. Motivation (in my own words) is the renewing of your mind in order to act towards achieving a goal or task. Anyone who is a friend of mine on facebook will know that this is something I struggle with. There are just something I just hate doing but NEED to do. In order to gain motivation, what I think I need is...
Organisation benefits everyone. With organisation we eliminate bad habits and things the hold us back from achieving goal, such as T.V, or facebook or even socializing with friends.
Last Christmas my sister blessed me so much by getting me a thick paperchase day-per-page diary for 09. This helped me so much and already I'm noticing instant progress. But in order to go to the next level, I feel that I need to organize my diary even deeper. I'm currently only writing down main events but I think I need to organize each and every day making room for eveything (obviously making spongebob the anchor point....JOKE!!).

Inspiration is also a good motivation point, hense the reason I created this blog (can't believe I know how to correctly use the word hense...I'm still not sorry for being such a geek).
I'm constantly looking for things that inspire and motivate me and I tend to add them to my blog. I find things that break my heart aswell as things that make my heart race.

Bringing things to a close, I realise that my reflection is lack of all of the above. In order to get to a higher level, I need to get deeper in organisation, inspiration which will lead to motivation.

Posted with LifeCast

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