Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Jezta: the latest!

well well well, people, friends, family, blog readers!
its been a while since I wrote a topic keeping you up-to-date with the life and times of...yours truly!!!!

As I've been telling people lately, I been doing so much, yet not much, a lot yet not a lot. Basically what I mean by that is, I been so occupied with boring stuff, uninteresting things...well...stuff thats a part of me, but not me...does that make sense?

Anyway, I've been working stuff to get jezta in the know, doing my best to make 09 not a repeat of 08. The thing is, it has required a lot of personal changes in order to do so. I've been making plans but am currently behind schedule because i've been easy on myself, creating deadlines that ended up been pretty flexable, double booking myself, and sometimes generally slipping back into 08 ways. Another thing that my mind has created is a weird fear that I tried to explain the other day but found that I didnt really understand it myself :s

Well...I'm doing my best to get on top of things. I have some personal issues that I'm working through but hopefully this year will be productive. Expect new songs, performances and entertainment!


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